Master of Science, Technology & Society Studies

Master of Arts (M.A.) Science, Technology and Society Studies
Alpen-Adria-University Klagenfurt (AAU), Department of Science and Technology Studies, Austria
The Master's degree programme features an interdisciplinary design and builds primarily upon social science theories and methods. The programme is based on the idea that the challenges facing contemporary societies require both scientific and technological innovations and institutional reforms, which together may contribute to societal welfare and individual well-being, as well as to sustainable futures.
Title of the Study Programme
Science, Technology & Society Studies
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (AAU), Austria
Master of Arts (MA)
Aims of the Study Programme
Students gain solid expertise regarding the generation, regulation and use of knowledge and technology across various emerging as well as established fields of research and innovation. They acquire skills to understand public controversies around science and technology and learn to consider knowledge processes in relation to decision-making in different domains of democratic societies. As a result, students will be well equipped to engage in professional activities in a variety of institutional contexts and organisations, or to proceed in academic STS research.
The programme provides an in-depth introduction into the theories, methods, and themes of Science, Technology, and Society Studies (STS). In addition, students can choose three out of the following five specialisations: governance, innovation and sustainability; communication and cultures of science and technology; socially and environmentally oriented technology development; gender and diversity in science and technology; an STS-inspired internship.
This degree programme is part of the "European Inter-University Association on Society, Science and Technology” (ESST,, a network composed of similar Master's degree programmes ( AAU students are entitled to acquire the ESST Certificate in addition to the Master's degree, as well as to complete one of the specialisation modules at an ESST partner university with the option of completing their Master thesis in this context.
At AAU, courses are taught in German, except for the ESST specialisation “Governance, Innovation and Sustainability”.
Visit this website. (PDF, 279kB, File does not meet accessibility standards)
Time to complete
4 semesters
Start of studies
The programme starts on October 1 each year; entering the programme in the summer semester is also possible (i.e., on March 1).
Requirements for admission
Bachelor's degree in the humanities or the social and economic sciences, acquired at a University or a University of Applied Sciences.
Students with a Bachelor's degree in engineering sciences, natural sciences, medicine, or the arts must demonstrate an adequate level of understanding in the following areas: (1) interdisciplinary perspectives of science and technology in society; (2) methodologies of the social sciences or humanities; (3) theories from fields such as sociology, political science, law, business studies, anthropology, geography, history, or cultural studies.
Target Group/Students
Students with a Bachelor degree in the wide spectrum of scholarly fields are welcome.
Mode of admission
Application for admission. (PDF, 113kB, File does not meet accessibility standards)
Deadlines for application
Admission to the degree programme is possible from July to September (for a start in October, i.e. beginning of the study year), respectively from January to February (for a start in the summer semester). An extension period is available.