

Published by

Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
Department 413 – Legislation in Higher Education, Higher Education Research

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10117 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 1857-0
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On the other hand, website content can change at any time, and it would not be feasible to individually review all linked content on an ongoing basis. The BMBF has no influence on the third-party content on linked third-party websites, and it cannot assume any liability for such content. The relevant content providers or website operators are solely responsible for the content to which we have linked on these pages. For this reason, the BMBF explicitly notes that its links to third-party content should not be understood as any endorsement of such content. In any and all cases of damages resulting from use of third-party content, or from failure to use such content, the sole party responsible is the provider of the website to which the pertinent links led. We will immediately remove any links that are brought to our attention as representing, constituting or relating to any legal infringements or violations.

Implementation and technical service

Materna Information & Communications SE


Informationstechnik Zentrum Bund (ITZBund)



The copyrights to texts on this site are owned by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (hereinafter also: the "BMBF"), except where specified otherwise.

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7. The BMBF reserves the right to investigate any suspected misuse or violation of terms of use.

8. The source "Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung" must be indicated in connection with any use of digital images. This also applies to electronic publication (for example, publication on websites). Prior to any publication in print, a specimen copy must be sent to the BMBF free of charge and without special request:

Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, Referat LS 4, Kapelle-Ufer 1, 10117 Berlin