The researchers at the Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS) study the interactions between science, technology and society. Empirical research provides the foundation for all of their work. The MCTS brings an interdisciplinary, reflexive approach to research questions, and it engages in dialogue with policymakers, business enterprises and the general public.

The MCTS is an interdisciplinary research centre based within the Technical University of Munich (TUM). It analyses the conditions under which technical sciences emerge in technology-based societies, along with such sciences' impacts. These focuses include new teaching and learning formats, the management and strategy approaches applied at (technical) universities and society's expectations and demands. 

At the MCTS, social scientists, historians and philosophers collaborate with scientists working in the natural sciences and technology. Overall, the research conducted by the researchers and scientists at the MCTS covers questions in areas such as energy, robotics and mobility as well as systematic questions pertaining to risks, ignorance and digitalization. Through formats such as lectures, theme days, workshops and other types of events, the research groups at the MCTS seek to engage with policymakers, the business enterprise sector and the public.

In addition, the MCTS offers specialised study programmes, including doctoral programmes, and a master's degree programme in Science and Technology Studies. The MCTS awards a range of titles, depending on the research emphasis and the qualifications involved in each case: Dr. phil., Dr. rer. soc., Dr. oec. publ. and Dr. rer. pol.

Servicebox und Adresse des Projektträgers


Prof. Dr. rer. soc. Sabine Maasen

Director of the MCTS

(+49) 89 289 - 28290, - 29200

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