The Hamburg centre for university teaching and learning (HUL) is a research institution dedicated to higher education didactics. It receives basic funding from Universität Hamburg (University of Hamburg), and it is based within that university, as a central institution. HUL's research focuses on academic teaching and learning, including relevant issues pertaining to digitalization and the societal responsibility of the higher education sector.

Its research, and the range of courses it offers, cover all levels of didactic action in academic teaching and learning. This breadth is apparent in the research fields covered by the three professorships sited within HUL, including jointly studied topics such as research orientation in teaching; science didactics; and digitalization in studies, teaching and research. It can also be seen in the modules included in the centre's master's degree programme on higher education, with emphases in didactics, research on teaching and learning, research on media education, research on higher education, and research on the science sector (science studies).

In conjunction with its internationally connected research, HUL also offers (in addition to its master's degree programme) a workshop and certification programme on higher education didactics, in the framework of academic-personnel development; and counselling relative to the development of didactic quality. The centre's research and promotion of young scientists and researchers are conducted in the framework of three professorships, including their scientific staff. All activities are financed via the budget of Universität Hamburg; additional financing is generated via third-party projects.

Servicebox und Adresse des Projektträgers


Prof. Dr. Gabi Reinmann

(+49)40 42838-9634

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