Research Institute for Higher Education

Hiroshima University, Japan

The Research Institute for Higher Education (RIHE), housed at Hiroshima University, was founded in 1972, as Japan's first institute for higher education research. The topics covered by its research include issues of higher education governance and access, curriculum development, professionalisation of staff, financing, and internationalisation of higher education institutions. RIHE's special focuses include the establishment of international networks and collaborative research alliances.

The institute maintains one of the world's largest libraries on higher education research, with a collection that includes publications from other Asian countries and from North America and Europe. RIHE also is active in teaching. Since 1986 it has offered a master's degree programme ("Higher Education") and a doctoral programme ("Education and Learning Science"). In addition, the institute conducts "institutional research" for Hiroshima University.

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Shinichi Kobayashi

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