Centre For Studies In Science Policy
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, Indien
The Centre for Studies in Science Policy (CSSP) is a combined teaching and research effort, exploring various dimensions of the science-technology-society interface. Though oriented principally as an academic programme, the CSSP is nonetheless also committed to engaging with contemporary policy challenges. Research themes that currently comprise faculty and student concerns involve: science, technology and innovation policies; university – industry relations; intellectual property rights and data protection laws; grassroots and frugal innovation for development; responsible research and innovation; technology for waste management; gender relations in science and technology; globalisation of innovation; internationalisation of R&D; technology and environment; scientists in organisations and technology futures studies.
The Centre is open to students for admission from a variety of social and natural sciences, technology studies, engineering, medicine, law and management disciplines. The current focus of teaching and research at the Centre is on science and technology policy analyses including innovation policies; sociology of science and technology; social history of science and technology; economics of technological change and innovation studies; technology futures studies; gender studies in science and technology; science and technology for development; international affairs in science and technology and management of intellectual property rights.
The Centre offers M.Phil/Ph.D. and direct Ph.D. programmes. Currently, around 70 research scholars are on the CSSP rolls pursuing research in the M.Phil/Ph.D and direct Ph.D programmes.
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